Remember, if for any reason you’re unsatisfied, we can continue our conversation until you’ve received the information you’re looking for. If I haven’t answered your question, please let me know and I’ll be happy to answer any other follow-up questions you might have. Here's a good link to the topic: hanging-the-value-of/106f5cf9-1975-47d6-a3e9-f6456b7fae31 and and Hope this helps. You can fix it by using a formatting switch in the merge field, something like: You would replace the 0.0 with the appropriate level of precision required for your merge field. Anytime a number to be merged doesn't include decimals, it will display with zeros.Hi, This is a very old problem with how Excel stores data: What you see on the screen isn't actually what is stored in Excel, so when you run a merge with Word you get the underlying data out to several decimal places of precision, because Word is retrieving the stored value not the displayed value. 00 Indicates that you want to include a decimal point to two places with each number. # The number of number signs (#) typed after the comma indicate the number of digits that should be forced to display. , Indicates that you want commas to designate thousands. $ The character to display at the beginning of the number (in this case, a dollar sign). \# Begins the“switch” which tells the document to apply formatting to the number.
Your prices should now display appropriately. Right-click on the field name once again and select“Toggle Field Codes” to return to the original view.\# $,#.00 (There is a space between the first # and the $.) Place your cursor before the closing bracket and type:.